General Option (27-29 Credits)
The General option has sufficient flexibility to serve the needs of students who wish to pursue topics chosen broadly from sub-disciplines of meteorology or from related areas. The General option is appropriate both for students who intend to pursue postgraduate degrees and for students who want to emphasize a topic for which no option exists.
- Meteorology courses required in all options.
- University Bulletin -- Undergraduate Degree Programs (Meteorology)
Take the following six credits:
Physical Meteorology Requirement
Three credits from METEO 436 (Radiation and Climate), METEO 437 (Atmospheric Chemistry and Cloud Physics), or METEO 454 (Introduction to Micrometeorology)
Meteorological Data Analysis Requirement
Three credits from either METEO 473 (Application of Computers to Meteorology) or METEO 474 (Computer Methods of Meteorological Analysis and Forecasting) (3 credits)
In consultation with an academic advisor:
Select 21-23 additional credits from 400-level METEO courses and/or 300- or 400-level courses from the Colleges of Agricultural Sciences, Earth and Mineral Sciences, Engineering, and/or Science (some 200-level courses may be acceptable with approval of advisor). The courses below are Meteorology electives.
METEO 412 Synoptic Applications of Dynamic Meteorology (3)
METEO 413 Map Analysis (3)
METEO 414 Mesoscale Meteorology (4)
METEO 415 Forecasting Practicum (3)
METEO 416 Advanced Forecasting (3)
METEO 418W Topics in Mesoscale Meteorology (3)
METEO 419 Air-Quality Forecasting (3)
METEO 422 Dynamic Meteorology II (3)
METEO 434 Radar Meteorology (3)
METEO 436 Radiation and Climate* (3)
METEO 437 Atmospheric Chemistry and Cloud Physics* (3)
METEO 451 Elements of Physical Oceanography (3)
METEO 452 Tropical Meteorology (3)
METEO 454 Micrometeorology* (3)
METEO 455 Atmospheric Dispersion (3)
METEO 465 Middle Atmosphere Meteorology (3)
METEO 466 Planetary Atmospheres (3)
METEO 471W Observing Meteorological Phenomena (3)
METEO 473 Application of Computers to Meteorology* (3)
METEO 474 Computer Methods of Meteorological Analysis and Forecasting* (3)
EE/METEO 477 Fundamentals of Remote Sensing Systems (3)
METEO 480W Undergraduate Research (3)
METEO 481 Weather Communications I (taken in junior year) (3)
METEO 482 Weather Communications II (taken in junior year) (3)
METEO 483 Weather Communications III (3)
METEO 484 Weather Communications Apprenticeship (3)
METEO 485 National Weather Service Operations (2-3)
METEO 486 Climate Studies (1-2)
Meteo 495A, B, C, D, E, Internship (6 credits maximum)
*If not used to satisfy the six-credit requirement